No coding required. Design beautiful pages using drag and drop.
Improve efficiency and visibility of stock through automated inventory management.
Ship products faster. Check order status as they come in. Enable Click & Collect for your physical outlets.
Groupon, Reverse Auction Sale and Limited Sale tools are natively built-into this WeChat mini program which drive more sales.
Extend your current loyalty programs into WeChat or customise them.
Coupons convert more customers and increase your revenue. These are quick to set up and easy to redeem.
Track your performance. Manage inventory, sales and customer database with ease.
No app download required. No manual registration needed. Just One Click on WeChat.
Encourage your customers to use the virality of WeChat by making it easy for them to share your products to their friends.
Reply your customer's enquiry instantly on WeChat.
Create user accounts and define permissions for each of your staff depending on their role. Customise to align with your store processes, and keep sensitive information hidden and secure.
Every customer can become your reseller by simply sharing your product. Our system takes care of this for you.
Authorised WeChat Pay built-in. Seamless checkout experience in WeChat Mini Program. Settled in T+2 (two working days).
Your data security is our top priority. We keep our software and network safe and secure against unauthorised access.
Have your inventory management system integrated with your mini program. Allowing you to control both your website and mini program from your already familiar platform